Africa Mining Intelligence

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  • Africa Mining Intelligence

NIGER : Uranium: Rosatom full steam ahead while Orano …

As Africa Mining Intelligence understands, the Niamey government struck up talks with Rosatom some time ago to discuss the idea of the Russian firm acquiring interests in Nigerien uranium assets. The two parties also talked of having yellow cake extracted in Niger transformed locally. Niamey is hoping to increase the sale price of its national ...

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MOROCCO : Tizert, new african Copperbelt capital?

Morocco, until now best-known for its phosphates reserves, only exploited by OCP, is pushing to become a new copper giant.Leading this effort is Managem, mining subsidiary of King Mohammed VI's holding company SNI.With prices for the red metal rising, foreign groups are starting to take an interest in Morocco's copper production potential, even if it is largely inferior …

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South Africa African Quartz making quartz into solar panels

South African national Dennis George hopes to raise nearly 5 billion rand (around $300 million) to fund his company African Quartz Mining's project in the province of Northern Cape near to the Namibian border. He holds several quartz exploration permits in the region and plans to use their output to fuel a processing plant installed in the Upington special economic …

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Building Legal Capacity in the African Mining …

The African Mining Legislation Atlas (AMLA) Project, an Africa-wide initiative with a focus on building specialized legal expertise in mining law, held a nine-day workshop and celebrated its 10th anniversary at the University of …

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Africa Mining IQ

Africa Mining IQ is one of the only online mining intelligence databases that enables you to contact key personnel directly; guarantees a key contact per mine owner or project engineer, …

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Soremi on a quest for new copper reserves

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

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The rise and rise of the Chinese miners in Katanga

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

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Mining in Africa

Top Mining news across the African continent. Mining Magazine provides expert analysis and updates on mining operations and mining development in Africa.

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Africa Mining by the Numbers 2024

Deep dive into our mining intelligence. Companies around the world continued to focus on advancing Africa's pipeline of projects in 2023. The region's exploration budget total of $1.27 …

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Morocco India makes timid foray into Morocco's mining sector

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the …

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UGANDA : African Panther in a rush to find

African Panther Resources (APR) is pressed for time. The company needs to prove to the Kampala government that it has the means to continue with the assessments and work at its Kikagati tin project and is hurriedly looking for a financial backer to prove its position. The ASX-listed Carnavale Resources, which decided to acquire 51% of the site in June and inject cash …

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Africa Intelligence: exclusive news on Africa

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low …

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Artificial Intelligence: Unearthing Greater …

The emergence of digital technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) has introduced new gains in efficiency and productivity. One market estimate predicts that investment into AI by the …

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Africa Intelligence : 12/18/2024

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low …

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Kenya : Mining reforms face resistance

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

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AFRICA/DRC : How Erik Prince is building his

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise …

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DRC Baiyin weighs merits of sustained open pit mining at …

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

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Chinese TBEA's Guinean emissary demands payment

A services contract signed by TBEA and Afriressources on April 21, that Africa Mining Intelligence was able to consult, set Sako's remuneration at $100,000 following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Chinese group and the Guinean State.

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Mining in Africa and its role in the global energy transition

If Africa can develop clean energy infrastructure and use some of its own critical minerals to abate power shortages, improve living standards and reduce emissions, African …

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GABON : AFC injects $150 million into Nouvelle

Nouvelle Gabon Mining (NGM) will now have the help of its new shareholder, Africa Finance Corp (AFC), to help carry on with the work it has been doing at its two manganese sites in eastern Gabon for the past year ().The pan-African bank has decided to make a$150 million equity investment through shareholder loans and share capital subscription.

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Mining and trading rush on manganese

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

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Morocco India makes timid foray into Morocco's mining sector

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Anglo American creates copper exploration units

Your daily foray into Africa's circles of power. Africa Intelligence brings you exclusive coverage of the major political, economic and diplomatic issues at stake on the African continent, identifying power players on the rise and low-frequency signals on the horizon. Peruse our daily story summaries to get the scoop on tomorrow's top stories ahead of the crowd.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

حار المنتجات

  • التعدين زيمبابوي
  • كسارة الجزء
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  • الأرض المعدنية النادرة
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  • مطحنة صفاديل
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  • كسارة الخرسانة ج
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  • مخروط محطم ارتداء أجزاء نظام المعدنية
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  • الشاشات والكسارات المتنقلة
  • لمس طحن تحميل
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