Crusher Backing

Safety Data Sheets

Aggregate and Mining - Crusher Backing. Product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) K-001 Standard Backing: K-001 Spanish Standard Backing: K-085 XP-2000 High Performance: K-085 XP-2000 Spanish High Performance: K-817 Non-Corrosive Standard: A-016 Resin. K-817 50X: K-831 Non-Corrosive High Performance:

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Redbac Standard Crusher Backing The established bench mark for everyday crushing, Redbac Standard Backing is recommended for use in most crushing applications. The uniform consistency, pourability, and cured toughness assure maximum support of manganese and alloy wear parts. It offers elevated compressive strength, service

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For a fast return to service when backing wear metal in gyratory and cone crushers, try LOCTITE® PC 9020. This 2-part epoxy system operates under typical dry service temperatures of -30°C to 105°C (-22°F to 220°F), and eliminates the need for traditional melting or special equipment. It also has high hydrolytic stability (low water absorption), while its high volumetric …

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Standard Backing is recommended for use in most crushing applications. The uniform consistency, pourability, and cured toughness assure maximum support of manganese and alloy wear parts. It offers elevated compressive strength, service temperature and impact resistance. Copps XP-2000 High Performance Backing The ultimate backing material for ...

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G & S Chemicals

Crusher Backing Compound is polyurethane based, cold pouring protective backing compound intended primarily for use in gyratory and jaw crushers, mill-liners, and other similar equipment with surfaces exposed to continuous wear. The compound completely eliminates voids, misalignment and gaps between lines replacing conventional molten zinc ...

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Crusher Backing Solutions from Copps: For Your Toughest Jobs

Our crusher backing compounds help protect it all from unnecessary damage and assist in long-term wear by filling the open cavities behind wear parts and supporting crushing wear surfaces. In doing so, our compounds help to minimize the effect of friction, vibration, and impact on the machinery during crushing operations.

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K-085 XP-2000 High Performance

Uniquely designed with extreme impact resistance, very low water absorption and the ability to withstand hard/abrasive media and high temperature crushing environments. High performance backing (XP-2000) does not contain VOC's, Butyl Glycidyl Ether (BGE)1 or Nonyl Phenol2.

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What is crusher backing?

Megapoxy Crusher Backing is used to secure internal crusher parts to minimise vibration, friction, and impact to the equipment during crushing and operation. We stock a full range of crusher backing compounds to cover rapid set or delayed setting, temperature variation to locking bushes into position. All our locations hold extensive stock that ...

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eBook: A Guide to Epoxy Crusher Backing Solutions

Read our guide to epoxy crusher backing solutions - Learn how they work, their key benefits, the typical industrial applications, and the compounds used.

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K-001 Standard Backing

Designed for cone and gyratory crushers, REDBAC Standard Backing is recommended for use in most, including severe, crushing applications. The uniform consistency, pourability and cured …

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Crusher Backing Solutions from Copps: For Your Toughest …

Our crusher backing compounds help protect it all from unnecessary damage and assist in long-term wear by filling the open cavities behind wear parts and supporting crushing wear surfaces. In doing so, our compounds help to minimize the effect of friction, vibration, and impact on the machinery during crushing operations.

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Crusher Backing

H-E Parts offers a range of crusher backing compounds to accommodate temperature extremes and rapid and extended setting times. This liquid epoxy grout is used for backing crusher …

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A Guide to Epoxy Crusher Backing Solutions

One solution industry professionals rely on to maximize the production of their equipment is epoxy crusher backing compound to extend the life of the crusher liners. The following eBook provides a comprehensive overview of: Epoxy crusher backing compounds; How they work; Their key benefits; Typical industrial applications.

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K-001 Standard Backing

The uniform consistency, pourability and cured toughness assure maximum support of cast wear parts. It offers elevated compressive strength, service temperature and impact resistance. REDBAC backing does not contain VOC's, Butyl Glycidyl Ether (BGE)1 or Nonyl Phenol2.

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Hi-Compressive Strength Crusher Backing Compound

20kg Part number 9505-9908. Suitable for Primary Crushers; Operational time: 8 hours @ 25°C; Tough and resilient; NORDBAK® PRIMARY BACKING is a blended co-polymer product with high compressive and high-impact strengths and improved tensile strength. It is non-flammable, needs no melting or special equipment and has a high volumetric stability that eliminates the …

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® Epoxy Crusher Backing

® crusher backing is an essential part of any cone crusher to ensure maximum performance from ® wear components. BAK™ Standard crusher backing ® crusher backing products for standard applications provide proven performance at an economical price and are available in two formulas.

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Crusher Backing Grout

Crusher Backing Grout is a solids epoxy resin compound formulated for backing wear metal in all types of crushers, grinding mills and other heavy machinery used in mining and crushed …

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Crusher Backing Compound

CMS Cepcor two-component epoxy based backing is proudly manufactured in USA by Copps® for use in cone and gyratory crushers. It serves as a backing and reinforcing layer between crusher wear liners and the …

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Cutback Crusher Backing

Description: solids modified epoxy resin system with unique properties for this particular application. Exceptionally high compressive strength and the ability to cure in damp conditions make this a product which can be used in all crushing applications from tertiary to primary crushers. Relatively low S.G. means fewer kits are required. Typical applications: All …

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Backing compound

Precision crushers and spares is a manufacturer and supplier of crushing equipment, crusher spare and wear parts, screen mesh & Epoxy crusher backing compound.

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Aggregate and Mining – Crusher Backing

By eliminating wear liner gaps and smoothing alignment errors, crusher backing compounds provide equipment with superior impact resistance compared with equipment not treated with a crusher backing compound.

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Crusher Backing Solutions from Copps: For Your Toughest Jobs

Our crusher backing compounds help protect it all from unnecessary damage and assist in long-term wear by filling the open cavities behind wear parts and supporting crushing …

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K-001 Standard Backing

Designed for cone and gyratory crushers, REDBAC Standard Backing is recommended for use in most, including severe, crushing applications. The uniform consistency, pourability and cured toughness assure maximum support of cast wear parts.

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REDBAC Standard Crusher Backing K-001

REDBAC Standard Crusher Backing – K-001 Description: Designed for cone and gyratory crushers, REDBAC standard backing is recommended for use in most, including severe, crushing applications. The uniform consistency, pourability and cured toughness assure maximum support of cast wear parts.

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MINING PROCESSING PLANT Applications Crusher …

Crusher Wear to backing liners Backing Compound 11150 High Performance Backing Compound 11170 Pipe Lines/Tanks Repair leaks and gouges Zip Patch™, FasMetal™ 11500, 10780 Magic Bond™ Epoxy Putty 11600 Underwater Repair Putty (UW) 11800 Eroded pipe elbows and linings Wear Guard™ Fine Load 11470

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Crusher & Backing Compounds

Demech's Tuff Crush products are solids epoxy compound system designed for backing wear metal in crushers and grinding mills. Their role is to completely eliminate voids and alignment issues between the liners.

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Application North America - Crusher repair products Application Temperature 15 to 65°C (60 to 150°F) Specific Benefit Easy and safe to use High compression strength Low odor Minimal shrinkage Excellent impact resistance LOCTITE® PC 9020 is an epoxy system for backing wear metal in gyratory and cone crushers under typical dry service

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Aggregate and Mining – Crusher Backing

Mines, aggregate processing operations, and other plants or job sites require heavy-duty equipment that can process raw materials for simplified removal or reuse. Mining crushers, large pieces of machinery that break down rock and aggregate materials into smaller pieces, are included in this …

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Korrobond 65

Description Two-component epoxy based crusher backing compound and damping material for primary gyratory and cone crushers. Renowned in the quarry and mining industries for providing the highest quality crusher backing compounds, Korrobond 65's performance against impact & shock vibrations prolong the life of the machinery and protect it from damage.

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Deacon® Crush-Bac™ Two-Part Epoxy Backing …

Deacon Crush-Bac is a solvent-free, two-part epoxy backing compound designed for backing liners and wear parts in crushers, grinding mills, and other heavy machinery used in mining and crushed aggregate operations.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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