Gold Claimer Conveyor United States En

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  • Gold Claimer Conveyor United States En

12' Feed Conveyor

The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer or African Model Gold C laimer for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer folds down to a transportation length of 9' to make it the most portable conveyor on the market. Simplicity is the key for setting up your 12' Feed Conveyor!

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer, African Model or the Reverse Helix Gold Claimer for higher production and profits! The self-contained trailer folds down to a transportation length of 9' to make it the most portable conveyor on the market.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer 12' Feed Conveyor Towable Self Powered

Simplicity is the key for setting up your 12' Feed Conveyor! Place the unit where you want it &. transportation length of 9' to make it the most portable conveyor on the market.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Brand

Our 12' Feed Conveyor has adjustable feed to a constant rate of 100 Feet Per Minute, and 2" Grizzly spacing. The Mini African is the perfect choice for the hobbyist or doing simple testing. …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


Gold Claimer Brand LLC John Domine, Owner 460 Monroe Street Tracy, MN 56175 USA * CELL: 507-828-0503 * Ph: 507-629-3758 email: john@goldclaimerbrand

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Pioneer 30

Pioneer 30 Specifications 13HP OHC w/ Electric Start Engine w/ Double Hydraulic Pump 65 gallon Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir. 8' Discharge Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return Roller. 8' Main Feed Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return Roller 8' Grizzly Over sized Discharge Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return Roller. 3" Spacing on Hopper Grizzly. Positive Chain Drive 48" x 9 6" …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

GOLD MINER'S TOOLS :: Gold Claimer Concentrator

The Gold Claimer recirculates approximately 100 gallons of water during a 10 hour day. You may need to add a little water due to evaporation and the wetness of the waste material. Drain plugs are in both the water tank and the dewatering screw. The simplicity of the Gold Claimer makes it the leader in the field of small portable placer equipment.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

GOLD MINER'S TOOLS :: 12-Feet Domine Feed Conveyor

The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer concentrator for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer with tail lights & a transportation length of 9' makes it the most portable conveyor on the market.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer 12' Feed Conveyor Towable Self Powered

Place the unit where you want it &. transportation length of 9' to make it the most portable conveyor on the market. Mount, slide it into place & install the B-width belt. 12' Feed Conveyor. ... Gold Claimer 12' Feed Conveyor Towable Self Powered. prospectorshq (63) Seller's other items ... United States 92673. Returns: Seller does not accept ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Pioneer 15 Gold Trommel For Small to Mid Size Mining Operations

Additional Shipping and Handling Will Apply and be added to your order. Please call for shipping quote. All units are made to order. Lead time is approximately 9 weeks. The P-15 will process 8-15 yards per hour depending on the material. Featuring variable fine speed tuning, you are able to establish an even materia

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Pioneer 15 Shaker Gold Trommel For Small to Mid Size …

Additional Shipping and Handling Will Apply and be added to your order. Please call for shipping quote. All units are made to order. Lead time is approximately 9 weeks. The "Pioneer 15 Shaker" is the only small production, flexible discharge, hydraulic machine on the market. It is easily portable and was designed a

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Pioneer 50

Introducing the Gold Claimer Pioneer 50 with External Hopper & Conveyor. This unit has a capacity of 25-50 yards per hour depending on material. Skip to content. 907-277-1741 [email protected] AMDS Mining Superstore.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer 12' Feed Conveyor Towable Self Powered | eBay

Simplicity is the key for setting up your 12' Feed Conveyor! Place the unit where you want it &. transportation length of 9' to make it the most portable conveyor on the market.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


12' Feed Conveyor; African Model Gold Claimer; Mini Gold Claimer; Reverse Helix Gold Claimer; Pioneer 15; Pioneer 15 Shaker; Pioneer 30; Pioneer 30 Shaker; Pioneer 50; CONTACT US; ... Gold Claimer Brand LLC John Domine, Owner 460 Monroe Street Tracy, MN 56175 USA * CELL: 507-828-0503 *

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Gold Trommel and Concentrator

The Gold Claimer recirculates approximately 100 gallons of water . You may need to add a little water due to evaporation and the wetness of the waste material. Drain plugs are in both the water tank and the de-watering screw. The simplicity of the Gold Claimer makes it the leader in the field of small portable placer equipment.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Brand LLC

We specialize in Placer Mining Equipment & Conveyors ranging in size from 1-50 yards per hour!

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Pioneer 15

Gold is where you find it! We have recognized the need to build a machine that is compact enough to travel, tough and reliable enough to be considered a production machine & easy to maintain. The Pioneer 15 will process 8-15 yards per hour depending on the material.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


Trommels are rotating screened barrels used to size and separate rocks from smaller material, essential for good gold recovery. Trommels are particularly good for working materials with lots of clay content.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

African Model Gold Claimer

The African Model Gold Claimer also has a 2-8 yd/hr capacity, and is ideal for testing gold values or for small production operations. Its performance is unequalled to any in its field. The major difference between the Gold Claimer and the African Model is that the African does not have the water tank or de-watering screw.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Feed Conveyor

The 12′ Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer or African Model Gold Claimer for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer folds down to a transportation length of 9′ to make it the most portable conveyor on the market.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Brand

Our 12' Feed Conveyor has adjustable feed to a constant rate of 100 Feet Per Minute, and 2" Grizzly spacing. Mini African Model Mini African Model ... Gold Claimer Reverse Helix African Model. The one that it got it all started.....100 Gal water tank, 85%-90% recovery, easy to tow, can process 2-8 YPH. Reverse Helix

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


The Gold Claimer Concentrator is self-contained and with its 2-8 yard capacity, it is ideal for testing gold values or for small production operations. Its performance is unequalled to any in its field. The unique water supply and reclamation unit allows operation where water is not available. Efficiency is a key ingredient!

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Feed Conveyor

The 12′ Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer or African Model Gold Claimer for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer folds down to a transportation length of 9′ to make it the most portable …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

12' Feed Conveyor

The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer or African Model Gold C laimer for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer folds down to a transportation length of 9' to make it the most portable …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

GOLD MINER'S TOOLS :: 12-Feet Domine Feed Conveyor

The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer concentrator for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer with tail lights & a transportation length of …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer, African Model or the Reverse Helix Gold Claimer for higher production and profits! The self-contained trailer …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Pioneer 30

Gold is where you find it! We have recognized the need to build a machine. considered a production machine & easy to maintain! The Oregon Pioneer 30 process up to 30 yards per hour.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

GOLD MINER'S TOOLS :: 12-Feet Domine Feed …

The 12' Feed Conveyor is designed to give continuous feed to your Gold Claimer concentrator for high production and profits. Its self contained trailer with tail lights & a transportation length of 9' makes it the most portable conveyor on the …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Claimer Pioneer 15

Gold is where you find it! We have recognized the need to build a machine that is compact enough to travel, tough and reliable enough to be considered a production machine & easy to maintain. The Pioneer 15 will process 8-15 …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


Trommels are rotating screened barrels used to size and separate rocks from smaller material, essential for good gold recovery. Trommels are particularly good for working materials with …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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