Agency Of Material Cariérre

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  • Agency Of Material Cariérre

(PDF) Exploring Material Agency in Humanities and …

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that material objects have an effect on the course of action that is irreducible to direct human intervention.

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Material Agency: A Theoretical Framework for Ascribing …

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that material objects …

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Dupre Carrier Godchaux

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Material Ecocriticism: Materiality, Agency, and …

big pattern of material-discursive agencies. Dealing with the narrative levels disclosed in "the en counter between various and variegated bodies" (Bennett, Vibrant viii) has the.

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Material Agency

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that material objects have an effect on the course of action …

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Material Agency in Literature & Literary Theory

Material agency provides a lens through which to analyze the significance of objects, technology, and material culture in literature, enhancing our understanding of how …

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(PDF) A Review of Material Agency in Information Systems: …

PDF | Previous research recognizes seven types of material agency (MA) grounded in seven theoretical sources. However, the extent to which these seven... | Find, read and cite all the research...

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Material Agency

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that material objects have an effect on the course of action that is irreducible to direct human intervention. The concept of material agency is part of the "material turn ...

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The Neglected Networks of Material Agency: Artefacts, Pictures and

It is agency by association; the argument is that agency has to emanate from humans. However, we should note that in this kind of secondary agency, in which primary human agency is delegated or transposed onto materials, the primary agency or 'authorship' may be obscured; and this property may come to be deliberately exploited.

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Material Agency

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that …

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(PDF) Exploring Material Agency in Humanities …

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that material objects have an effect on the course of action that is …

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On the Agency and Activities of Materials in the 21st Century

This phenomenological understanding of material agency both responds to Theiner & Drain's critique, and emphasizes the importance of investigating material culture phenomenologically.

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Material Agency in Literature & Literary Theory

Material agency provides a lens through which to analyze the significance of objects, technology, and material culture in literature, enhancing our understanding of how they contribute to narrative development, character agency, and the …

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Material Agency: Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Approach …

This book is a groundbreaking attempt to address questions of non-human and material agency from a wide range of perspectives and disciplines: archaeology, anthropology, sociology, cognitive science, philosophy, and economics. The editors and authors demostrate that a distributed, relational approach to agency, incorporating both humans and ...

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Material Agency: A Theoretical Framework for Ascribing Agency …

Material agency denotes the possibility that things can act. The defining criterion for such agency has varied between theoretical strands, but generally entails the notion that material objects have an effect on the course of action that is irreducible to direct human intervention.

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(PDF) Material Culture: Theories, Practices, and Future …

History, 2021. This article surveys the state of the field of material culture within the discipline of history. The study of material culture-the myriad layers of cultural meaning embedded within objects-has been adopted by historians from colleagues in anthropology, archaeology and museum studies, and continues to thrive as an interdisciplinary field in tandem with art history …

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Material Agency in Literature & Literary Theory

The term "material agency" derives from the field of social and cultural theory and is rooted in the broader concept of "agency." The word "agency" itself is derived from the Latin "agens," which means "to act" or "to do." In the context of material agency, the term signifies the capacity of material objects and artifacts to influence, shape, or mediate human actions ...

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Material agency: a theoretical framework for ascribing …

In this article the argument is advanced that material entities have agency only if two necessary conditions are met: an ontological condition (agency is an asymmetrical and …

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(PDF) A Review of Material Agency in Information Systems: …

PDF | Previous research recognizes seven types of material agency (MA) grounded in seven theoretical sources. However, the extent to which these seven... | Find, read and cite …

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(PDF) New Materialist Agency in Performative Art Making

For example, in Art and Agency, Alfred Gell speciically claims that art objects are "indexes of agency," and this agency is paradigmatically and solely human (1998: see esp. 14–15). In strong contrast to the arguments of new materialist theorists such as Barad and Latour, and typical of mainstream beliefs about art, Gell describes the ...

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(PDF) Material Agency of Crystals in New Spirituality: …

The paper uses the concept of material agency to demonstrate how natural processes of decay acquire cultural meaning by connecting material properties and human interpretation. This work was ...

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The Materiality of Divine Agency

Two topics of current critical interest, agency and materiality, are here explored in the context of their intersection with the divine. Specific case studies, emphasizing the ancient Near East but including treatments also of the European Middle Ages and ancient Greece, elucidate the nature and implications of this intersection: What is the relationship between the …

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Material agency: a theoretical framework for ascribing agency …

In this article the argument is advanced that material entities have agency only if two necessary conditions are met: an ontological condition (agency is an asymmetrical and relational category) and an epistemological condition (material entities mediate and transform human understanding).

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Material Agency

'material agency' is a secondary property, a mirage even, with agency (as consciousnessandintentionality)stillverymuchinhumanhands.Nonetheless, there is some …

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Material agency: a theoretical framework for ascribing agency …

This article attempts to articulate a theoretical framework, the target of which is to systematically unearth the conditions validating the ascription of agency to material culture. A wide range of studies, located within the interdisciplinary field known as material culture studies, testify to and aim at (re)uniting the materials of material culture with the notion of agency. In …

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Identity and Agency (Chapter 14)

In the context of globalization, post-modernity and transnationalism, identity, for most people, is no longer securely located in specific material environments. Yet the desire to 'ground' identity in place by acting in and on the material world remains, even as people shift between multiple locations.

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(PDF) Material Agency

In this article the argument is advanced that material entities have agency only if two necessary conditions are met: an ontological condition (agency is an asymmetrical and relational...

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The Concept of Agency in Objects

People use the material objects they produce, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to manipulate their worlds. Hodder cites Giddens, who asserted the point that "subordinate groups use material culture to counteract dominant forms of discourse" (Hodder, 32).

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Material Culture Studies: Objectification, Agency, and …

The notion of object or material agency is still critically discussed (see also Coupaye 2021; Knappett and Malafouris 2008; Lindstrøm 2015; Ribeiro 2016; Sørensen 2016), yet such discussions highlight the active role of things in social life and the untenability of clear distinctions between subject and object, the argument being that when ...

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