Tunnel Kiln Process Sponge Iron

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  • Tunnel Kiln Process Sponge Iron

Chapter 1 Review of Sponge Iron Making Process …

sponge iron production plant at Chandrapur, Maharastra. The OSIL process uses a rotary kiln of 3.5mtr diameter and 84mtr long. The output of this plant is 300 tons per day. The rotary kiln product is discharged into a rotary cooler at a temperature of 1050oC and subsequently cooled by spraying water on the cooler.

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Innov Engineering Pvt. Ltd

TUNNEL KILN (Coal-Based DRI Plant) Innov Engineering advanced tunnel kiln technology is arguably the most sufficient and effective method for sponge iron production which allows for economically feasible plants.

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A new model for using rotary furnaces in the production …

Sponge iron is produced using non-crushing coal through the iron ore reduction process in a rotary kiln. Regeneration takes place at a predetermined temperature and controlled …

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Conversion of Sponge Iron From Low Grade Iron ore …

The process of DRI or sponge Iron making can be classified into different categories as given below: (A) Rotary Klin Process Rotary Kiln method is very important for sponge iron production using non-coking coal as a reluctant. The Iron ore is charged from one end with non-coking coal which is in the lump form or pellets and heated from

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A new model for using rotary furnaces in the production …

Sponge iron is produced using non-crushing coal through the iron ore reduction process in a rotary kiln. Regeneration takes place at a predetermined temperature and controlled atmospheric pressure.

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Sponge Iron production from ore -coal composite …

Iron ore fines and the low grade beneficiated iron ore cake are directly used for manufacturing of sponge iron in tunnel kilns. The material bed in Tunnel kiln being stationary, it does not require high strength and thermal stability of the raw …

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Sponge Iron Production by Calcium Carbonate, Sodium …

production of sponge iron was investigated with calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, and barium carbonate cata-lysts under different conditions using the tunnel kiln meth-od. The …

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Sponge iron making process | PPT

Sponge iron making process - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... It then outlines the rotary kiln process which involves preheating and combustion zones, use of primary and secondary air, coal injection, and rotary cooling before magnetic separation and screening to produce sponge iron and char as outputs. Waste heat is recovered to ...

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Sponge Iron

SIPL is operating 4 x 100 TPD Direct Reduced Iron Rotary Kilns for production of 2000 TPA Sponge Iron at Purulia, using the proven German SL/RN technology. Sponge Iron, also known as Direct Reduced Iron is produced from Hematite Iron ore (5 to 18 mm size) by removing the oxygen by direct reduction process using non coking coal as the fuel and ...

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Continuous experiment was performed on a industrial scale for the production of sponge iron by using tunnel kiln furnace. Crushed ores were classified into fwo parts of which one consists of the size 10-40min, and another of the size under 10mm.

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Production of Sponge Iron through Tunnel Kiln …

i need some resources about the production process and raw material of Silicon carbide saggers in sponge iron reduction via the tunnel kiln method.

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The reduction process takes place in a gas fired tunnel kiln at around 1200°C for 60 hours producing a sponge iron cake that is crushed, milled and magnetically separated from impurities. The final reduction is made in a continuous furnace under hydrogen atmosphere.

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The reduction process takes place in a gas fired tunnel kiln at around 1200°C for 60 hours producing a sponge iron cake that is crushed, milled and magnetically separated from …

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Continuous experiment was performed on a industrial scale for the production of sponge iron by using tunnel kiln furnace. Crushed ores were classified into fwo parts of which …

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Tunnel kiln furnace are evolving as an alternative to Rotary kiln process. Iron ore fines and the low grade beneficiated iron ore cake are directly used for manufacturing of sponge iron in tunnel kilns. The material bed in Tunnel kiln being stationary, it does not require high strength and thermal stability of the raw material.

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Abstract and Figures

desain dan simulasi tungku bakar untuk pengolahan pasir besi menjadi sponge iron dengan teknologi tunnel kiln = design and simulation of furnace for ferruginous sand to be sponge iron process by ...

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Chapter 1 Review of Sponge Iron Making Process …

sponge iron production plant at Chandrapur, Maharastra. The OSIL process uses a rotary kiln of 3.5mtr diameter and 84mtr long. The output of this plant is 300 tons per day. The rotary kiln …

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Sponge Iron production from ore -coal composite pellets in Tunnel Kiln

Iron ore fines and the low grade beneficiated iron ore cake are directly used for manufacturing of sponge iron in tunnel kilns. The material bed in Tunnel kiln being stationary, it does not require high strength and thermal stability of the raw material.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Production of Sponge Iron through Tunnel Kiln Process

i need some resources about the production process and raw material of Silicon carbide saggers in sponge iron reduction via the tunnel kiln method.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Production of Sponge Iron through Tunnel Kiln Process

Many efforts have been put into effect to make the steel making efficient through induction furnace route. The main raw materials for induction furnaces are steel scrap, sponge iron and cast...

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Reduction Efficiency of Iron Ore–Coal Composite Pellets in Tunnel Kiln

In the current work, an attempt has been made to use mill scale and iron concentrate which are not applicable to pelletized, in the reduction process with tunnel kiln for iron manufacturing.

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(PDF) Operation of Coal-Based Sponge Iron …

Data-1 includes temperatures profiles and air inlet at positions, AT-1 to AT-3 and MF-1 and MF-2, inside the kiln whereas, flow rates of iron ore, feed coal, slinger coal and sponge iron is ...

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Sponge Iron Production by Calcium Carbonate, Sodium …

production of sponge iron was investigated with calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, and barium carbonate cata-lysts under different conditions using the tunnel kiln meth-od. The results showed that sodium carbonate catalysts had the highest efficiency in …

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Sponge Iron Production by Calcium Carbonate, Sodium …

using tunnel kiln is one of the reduction methods that need a very low volume of water for the process in which sponge iron is produced. A tunnel kiln (Figure1) is a long stationary insu-lated furnace made of refractory bricks which has a rail track provision for trolley movement. Materials are filled inside the

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(PDF) Desain Dan Simulasi Tungku Bakar Untuk Pengolahan …

2015. In this experiment has been done laboratory scale processing of iron sand from Sigandu beach regency of Batang to be sponge iron by direct reduction using oxyacetylene gas burner at 1200 o C. Based on the experiments conducted through the process of making a composite pellets briquettes, and conducted trials combustion using oxyacetylene gas burner with the …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Innov Engineering Pvt. Ltd

TUNNEL KILN (Coal-Based DRI Plant) Innov Engineering advanced tunnel kiln technology is arguably the most sufficient and effective method for sponge iron production which allows for …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sponge Iron Production in Rotary Kiln

The increase in the demand of sponge iron is also due to the fact that it is used as a substitute for coking coal which is available in scarcity in the world. This book comprehensively deals with the production of sponge iron in the rotary kiln. The book is divided into 17 chapters. The initial chapters give a brief on the fundamental theories and basic principles of sponge …

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Optimization of Biomass Materials for use in the Sponge …

The sponge iron process is a process for producing sponge iron, which is porous iron [1]. The raw material used for producing sponge iron is magnetite ore concentrate (Fe 3 O 4 ... they will be placed on a cart and enter a tunnel kiln [1]. The cart will travel through three zones in the tunnel kiln; the pre-heating zone followed by a firing zone

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Production of Sponge Iron through Tunnel Kiln Process

Many efforts have been put into effect to make the steel making efficient through induction furnace route. The main raw materials for induction furnaces are steel scrap, sponge …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

An optimized process of drying titanium pellets in a tunnel kiln

Performance results of reduction process to produce a finish Sponge Iron with increased Fe content of 51.72% to 78.79% with 36.68% metallization degree (Jogja samples) and from 52.93% to 57.90% ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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