Worlds Largest Digging Machine

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  • Worlds Largest Digging Machine

Humongous 45,500-ton machine

This is the largest digging machine (or trencher or rotating shovel) in the world. It was built by Krupp and is shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air coal mine. ... The machine is 95 meters high and 215 meters long (almost 2.5 football fields in length) Weight is 45,500 tons (that's equivalent to a ...

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11 of the world's biggest and baddest mining excavators

Bagger 288 was the world's biggest land vehicle when it was finished in 1978, surpassing NASA's Crawler-Transporter, which carried the Space Shuttle and the Apollo Saturn V launch vehicle. With a height of 95 …

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World's largest single-bucket digging machine: world record …

"Miner's Memorial Park in McConnelsville, Ohio houses the largest single-bucket digging machine ever made. The bucket, called the "Big Muskie Bucket," weighs 230 tons, and …

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Bagger 288: The Biggest, Meanest Machine in the World

The Bagger 288, also known as the Excavator 288, is the largest digging machine in the world. It was built by the German company Krupp for the energy and mining firm Rheinbraun. When its construction was completed in 1978, Bagger 288 superseded NASA's Crawler-Transporter, used to carry the Space Shuttle and Apollo Saturn V launch vehicle, as ...

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The 10 Biggest Excavators in the World

Their digging power makes them useful for a variety of tasks, from digging trenches and excavating mines to lifting and transporting waste. Large excavators have been designed for demanding or specialized tasks. The world's biggest excavators are used in applications like deep mining excavations and digging under difficult climatic conditions ...

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World's Largest Digging Machine Goes to Work (video)

NASA's space shuttle crawler, a heavy lifter in its own right, has only 8 tracks (and, by the way, only weighs a fluffy 2,721 tons). Because it's a digging machine, the …

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15 Insanely Massive Machines That Make The Ground …

A ginormous drill rig, the Strata 950 was the first machine to appear at the site in Chile where 33 miners were trapped below. To save the miners, the machine bore a 700-meter hole through rocks. To remove it from the site, it was disassembled into 42 trucks that removed parts in shifts …

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The Biggest Excavator in the World

Length: 23.9 metres | Width: 10.5 metres | Height: 11.7 metres | Weight: 810 tons. The German giant is a contender for the biggest excavator in the world. Designed for large-scale mining work, it has the biggest backhoe capacity in the world and is powered by two, sixteen-cylinder diesel engines producing 4,000 hp.

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5 of the Largest Machines in The World

It's the heaviest machine capable of moving on its own. The Bagger 293 is a giant bucket-wheel excavator built to move a lot of earth and manufactured by TAKRAF of Leipzig, Germany. It is one in a series of machines that is so famous it has its own Lego set made up of nearly 4,000 individual pieces. The second largest machine after the stationary Hadron …

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Bagger 288: The World's Biggest Machine

Photo: Snorky [wikipedia]In the coal stripmine Hambach in Germany, there was a machine so big that it boggles the mind.the Bagger 288:This is the 45,000 ton Bagger 288 digger built by Krupps in Germany, and it is the largest land based machine built by humans on the face of the planet.It’s not fast, moving at about 2 meters a minute, but boy can it shift …

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Remains of The World's Largest Earthmoving …

Miner's Memorial Park in McConnelsville, Ohio houses the largest single-bucket digging machine ever made. The bucket, called the "Big Muskie Bucket," weighs 230 tons, and according to Only In Your State, was once …

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World's Largest Digging Machine!

This is the largest digging machine (or trencher or rotating shovel) in the world. It was built by Krupp and is shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air ...

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Bagger 288: World's Largest Digging Machine

This machine is the largest digging machine in the world. The bucket-wheeler excavator named Bagger 288 (Excavator 288) is built by the German company Krupp. More …

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Meet the 31 million-pound bucket wheel excavator. The largest …

No. 3 Video in 2014 « NO. 4 NO. 2 » Deemed the largest land vehicle in history by the Guinness Book of World Records, the Bagger 293 is the single best digging machine man has ever built. Built ...

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Meet Big Bertha, The World's Largest Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)

It measures 57.2 feet (17.5 m) in diameter, which makes it the largest tunnel boring machine in history. To put in perspective, it would take about 10 average sized men standing on each other's shoulders to stretch across its diameter.

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This excavator is one of the largest land vehicles …

Taller than the Statue of Liberty and heavier than the Eiffel Tower, this German mining machine is one of the largest land vehicles on Earth. In HBO's futuristic Westworld, a bucket-wheel...

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The Largest Land Vehicle in the World

When its construction was completed in 1978, Bagger 288 superseded NASA's Crawler-Transporter, used to carry the Space Shuttle and Apollo Saturn V launch vehicle, as the largest land vehicle in the world. It is …

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Bagger 288: The Biggest, Meanest Machine in the …

The Bagger 288, also known as the Excavator 288, is the largest digging machine in the world. It was built by the German company Krupp for the energy and mining firm Rheinbraun.

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The 10 Biggest Excavators in the World

In this guide, we rank the world's largest excavators by their operating weight and detail their origins and features such as their lifting capacity, size dimensions, manufacturers, and more. Operating weight refers to the …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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