Swedish Mining Equipment

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  • Swedish Mining Equipment

Mining and infrastructure equipment and tools

We offer a complete range of equipment and tools, services and technical solutions for the mining and aggregates industries. Jump to content. You are now visiting the Group website in English. Would you like to switch to another language site with selected content translated? ... Box 510, SE-101 30 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 456 11 ...

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Svemin Autumn Summit / Höstmöte 2024

Svemin's Autumn Summit is the major annual event for mining, mineral and metal producers in Sweden. The event brings together around 350 participants from industry, politics, academia, and other stakeholders with a common interest: mining.

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Epiroc Corporate | Epiroc

Stockholm, Sweden: Epiroc, a leading productivity and sustainability partner for the mining and construction industries, has won a large order for underground mining equipment, including battery-electric vehicles, from Eurasian …

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Epiroc to acquire FVT Research

With the increasing and significant benefits of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), many mining companies are eager to convert from diesel-powered mining machines. On Sept. 13, Swedish manufacturer of mining and infrastructure equipment, Epiroc, announced it will acquire the business and assets of FVT Research Inc., a Canadian company that ...

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Sweden is one of the world's leading nations in mining innovation. The mining companies are world leading in terms of productivity, both underground and at the surface, thanks in large to strong providers of technology and systems.

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Transport infrastructure

Railways, shipping, and roads capable of handling heavy transport are all crucial for the expansion and export capabilities of the Swedish mining industry. Mining and mineral companies often operate in sparsely populated areas, far from their end customers.

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Miningforgenerations | Mining by Sweden

Monitoring and controlling the ventilation of underground mines with a 50% reduction in energy consumption of electricity. Railway logistic solution for optimized fleet management and higher …

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Mining and Rock Technology

Mining and Rock Technology is a business area within the Group and a global leading supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining and construction industries.

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Svemin Autumn Summit / Höstmöte 2024

Exploration & Mining Development | 09:00 – 10:30. Welcome! Maria Sunér, CEO Svemin Emma Härdmark, Director Communications, Svemin. Keynote Mineral Criticality – Why Critical Minerals are Different, and Why They Are Not Karen Hanghøj, Director of the British Geological Survey

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Mining and infrastructure equipment and tools

With a complete range of equipment and tools, services and technical solutions, we help the mining and infrastructure industries increase efficiency, cut costs and improve safety. Application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, crushing …

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The Swedish mining industry is a key player in the transition to a sustainable society. For Svemin, a sustainable mining and minerals industry means both active environmental and climate consideration and social responsibility for both employees and those who live …

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Whether you need to excavate, transport or process ore, rock or overburden more efficiently, our comprehensive range of cutting-edge surface and underground mining equipment is designed …

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Whether you need to excavate, transport or process ore, rock or overburden more efficiently, our comprehensive range of cutting-edge surface and underground mining equipment is designed to increase your productivity and boost your …

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Brief history of Svemin

Svemin, the Association for Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers in Sweden, has its origins in Jernkontoret, the steel industry's trade organisation. Jernkontoret was founded in 1747 with the main purpose of supporting the iron industry in Sweden in various ways.

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Dags för årets viktigaste mötesplats för arbetsmiljöfrågor inom gruv- och mineralindustrin. Temat för året är risker och riskhantering, en avgörande del av vårt gemensamma arbete för en tryggare och säkrare arbetsmiljö.

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is an engineering group providing products and solutions for mining and rock excavation, rock processing and metal cutting based on innovation, digitalization and …

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Underground Mining Equipment and Surface …

Our full selection of mining and surface equipment for rock drilling, crushing and screening, loading, tunneling, quarrying, breaking and demolition.

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Epiroc to acquire AARD Mining Equipment

ESG Mining Company Index: Benchmarking the Future of Sustainable Mining. The ESG Mining Company Index report provides an in-depth evaluation of ESG performance of 61 of the world's largest mining companies. Using a robust framework, it assesses each company across 9 meticulously weighted indicators within 6 essential pillars.

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Mining industry offering

Our mining equipment and tools, as well as our system solutions, are enabling mining companies to conduct their operations more efficiently and safely in both underground and surface mines. ... Box 510, SE-101 30 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 456 11 00. Other websites.

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Positive announcements in the autumn budget

Investments in infrastructure, research and skills supply. Several promising reform announcements for a stronger mining and minerals industry when the government presented the budget on Thursday.

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innovation roadmap has brought the Swedish mining cluster together and has become an unsurpassed source of knowledge regarding the industry's research and innovation needs. Our ambition now is that it shall also chart the path towards the future, both for the mining cluster and Sweden as a mining nation. Luleå and Zinkgruvan, May 2022

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Mining and Rock Solutions

Business area Mining and Rock Solutions is a global leading supplier in equipment and tools, parts, service and technical solutions for the mining and infrastructure industries. Applications include rock drilling, rock cutting, loading …

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Swedish Mining Equipment Manufacturer Will Be 100

After logging 60,000 hours on its first generation electric vehicles, Swedish mining equipment manufacturer Epiroc launched its second generation of electric mining vehicles this month alongside ...

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Member companies

Global supplier of equipment and tools, spare parts, services and technical solutions for the mining and infrastructure industries. Applications include rock drilling, rock excavation, loading and transportation, tunnelling and quarrying.

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Leading Mining Manufacturer & Mining Equipment Supplier

As a world-leading mining equipment manufacturer, we are committed to improving your productivity and profitability. Mining and Rock Technology products and services provide you maximum value in terms of performance, quality, safety, flexibility and — not least — total economy. ... Sweden Tel +46 (0)26 260000. Other websites ...

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Green Value Chains in Focus at First Summit During Swedish …

These value chains give Sweden a first mover advantage – but success is not guaranteed, not quite yet. The North of Sweden is experiencing a new industrial revolution linked to fossil-free production of raw materials and electrification; green value …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Electric Vehicle Revolution Goes Underground in Sweden With Mine …

Swedish mining equipment maker Epiroc AB on Nov. 14 launched a new range, including what it says is the largest battery-powered vehicle for mining below the Earth's surface: a 42 ton-capacity ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sustainable Mining in Sweden

cutting-edge global equipment suppliers. On the mining suppliers' side, Sweden is since long a global leader and about 65% of the world's underground mining equipment market is held by Swedish companies. Swedish manufacturers and service providers offer a wide range of solutions within electrification, digitalization and automation and are ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

What does a membership in Svemin entail?

Membership of Svemin is open to companies that are active in the Swedish mining and mineral industry and related activities. Today we have about 60 member companies. The more members, the stronger the mining industry.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Underground Mining Equipment and Surface Mining Equipment

Our full selection of mining and surface equipment for rock drilling, crushing and screening, loading, tunneling, quarrying, breaking and demolition. Jump to content. ... Sweden Tel +46 (0)26 260000. Other websites. We would like your consent

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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