An Empirical Contribution Of Mining Sector

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  • An Empirical Contribution Of Mining Sector

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of …

In the light of this, the study presents an empirical analysis of the contribution of mining sector to the economic development in Nigeria from 1960 to 2012. The study employed Error Correction Model (ECM) to examine the short run and …

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Empirical analysis on contribution share of safety investment …

The empirical results show that the production safety factor in the short term indeed drives the GDP growth in the mining industry although labor and capital input remain the major factors ...

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Full article: The impact of mining foreign direct …

Our findings suggest implementing mining policies that target the value addition of mineral resources instead of exporting raw mineral resources. Finally, the government should encourage research and development in the mining sector …

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Effects of mining sector FDI, environmental regulations, and …

Yet, this study selected OECD countries to comprehensively analyze the mining sector's foreign direct investment, economic complexity, and environmental regulations with mineral resource dependency. Related to this contribution, the objective is to consider the OECD nations as resource dependency dynamics are less studied for this region.

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(PDF) An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector …

In the light of this, the study presents an empirical analysis of the contribution of mining sector to the economic development in Nigeria from 1960 to 2012. The study employed Error...

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The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing

Under the conditions for the achievement of sustainability known as "very weak sustainability" (Pearce and Atkinson, 1993), the mining sector must generate net capital accumulation when natural capital depreciation is taken into account if it is to contribute positively to sustainability.

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector …

Mining industries have been viewed as key drivers of economic growth and development process, as lead sectors that drive economic Nigeria is richly endowed with vast but largely untapped natural resources including solid minerals and arable land.

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The contribution of the mining sector to socioeconomic …

Many low and middle-income mineral-rich countries have experienced strong growth for a decade or longer, propelled by a rapid expansion of their mineral exports and a rise in prices of these commodities. This sustained strong economic performance goes against the accepted wisdom that even though the mining sector, like other extractive industries, can generate foreign …

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The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in …

Under the conditions for the achievement of sustainability known as "very weak sustainability" (Pearce and Atkinson, 1993), the mining sector must generate net capital …

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Role of green finance in enhancing the sustainability in the mining …

The mining sector, while crucial for global economies by supplying essential raw materials, is a significant contributor to environmental pollution and carbon dioxide emissions (Yousefian et al., 2023).The extraction and processing of minerals involve energy-intensive processes, releasing harmful pollutants into the air, soil, and water, posing substantial …

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector …

Mining industries have been viewed as key drivers of economic growth and development process, as lead sectors that drive economic (PDF) An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic Development in Nigeria | Olalekan David -

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The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic

In the light of this, the study presents an empirical analysis of the contribution of mining sector to the economic development in Nigeria from …

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"Mechanism between mining sector and economic …

mining sector to become the major export drivers. Data shows that since the start of the commodity boom in 2002, the share of minerals in total exports has aver-aged 49 percent. Table 1 shows the average annual mining exports in US$. This spells out how the mining sector has been instrumental in foreign currency gen-eration.

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector …

In the light of this, the study presents an empirical analysis of the contribution of mining sector to the economic development in Nigeria from 1960 to 2012. The study employed Error Correction Model (ECM) to examine the short run and long run effect of mining sector‟s contribution to Nigeria economic development.

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The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing

ELSEVIER Ecological Economics 13 (1995) 53-63 ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS Analysis The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing countries David I. Stern * Department of Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, UK Received 16 March 1994; accepted 15 August 1994 …

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The Contribution of the Mining Sector to …

mining sector continues to play a leading role in economic growth more than a century after it rose to prominence. This paper does not aim to prove or disprove the resource curse but provides evidence that most low- and middle-income mineral-dependent countries have avoided it in the 21st century, and that mining-sector

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[PDF] An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

Solid minerals as natural resource help to grow the economy, create jobs, and generate enduring wealth for the people of Nigeria. Effective mining will transform the Nigerian …

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Mining's contribution to national economies between 1996 …

In several low- and middle-income countries rich in non-fuel mineral resources, mining makes significant contributions to national economic development as measured by the revised Mining Contribution Index (MCI-Wr).

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Sustainable development of the mining sector for achieving …

This paper enriches the existing literature by underscoring the prospective role of a sustainable mining sector in fostering well-rounded growth in rural regions. ... Moving forward, Section 5 takes center stage as it presents and discusses the empirical findings derived from the data analysis, offering insights into the potential impacts of ...

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Full article: The impact of mining foreign direct investment …

Our findings suggest implementing mining policies that target the value addition of mineral resources instead of exporting raw mineral resources. Finally, the government should encourage research and development in the mining sector and align mining and other environmental policies to ensure sustainable growth. 1. Introduction.

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

The aim of this paper therefore is to investigate the contribution of mining sector to the economic development in Nigeria even with the several years of neglect by the public and private sectors.

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DSpace at Khazar University: An Empirical Analysis of the …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic Development in Nigeria: Authors: Oladipo Olalekan, David Oluwashina Afees, Noah Sunday Ayodele, Agbalajobi: …

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DSpace at Khazar University: An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic Development in Nigeria: Authors: Oladipo Olalekan, David Oluwashina Afees, Noah Sunday Ayodele, Agbalajobi: Keywords: Mining Economic Development Error Correction Model (ECM) Issue Date: 2016: Publisher: Khazar University Press: Citation: Khazar Journal of Humanities and ...

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic… 89 the discovery ofcrude oil was a major contributor to economic growth (Martin and Subramanian, 2003).

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic… 91 2.2 Empirical Review of Literature The impact of mining of solid minerals on domestic economies has been examined fromdifferent perspectives. There is for instance the structuralist thesis which

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Electricity and cryptocurrency mining: An empirical contribution

Active cryptocurrency mining and trading comes with heavy electricity demand and increased emissions. Thus, cryptocurrency mining is prohibited in most economies. Consequently, miners relocate to regions or economies without these prohibitions and/or with relatively lower electricity rates. As such, presenting a nexus between the cryptocurrency and electricity markets, even …

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Mining's contribution to national economies between 1996 …

Coal constitutes roughly half of the total value of industrial mine production globally. Iron ore, copper and gold follow next. Nickel and zinc are each roughly an order of magnitude smaller and approximately the same level as the fertilizer minerals phosphate and potash: 2–3% of the total value of production at the mine stage. …

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic Development in Nigeria. Ayodele Agbalajobi. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. ... The country relies heavily on the mining industry, which plays a crucial role in her economy. Nigeria has always hoped to make and use the mineral sector to contribute to ...

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Empirical analysis on contribution share of safety investment …

The paper studied contribution share of safety investment to economic growth (CSS). The definition of CSS in economics: a share of safety value growth in total economic growth. We constructed a new set of production safety indexes for describing the safety level. The safety level of Chinese mining industry increased more than 21-fold during 1991–2009. The …

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[PDF] An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector …

Solid minerals as natural resource help to grow the economy, create jobs, and generate enduring wealth for the people of Nigeria. Effective mining will transform the Nigerian economy and create a…

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