Granulated Slag Nickel

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  • Granulated Slag Nickel

UG-Mat Nonferrous Slags | Recycled Materials Resource Center

Granulated nickel slag is essentially an angular, black, glassy slag "sand" with most particles in the size range of minus 2 mm (No. 10 sieve) to plus 0.150 mm (No. 100 sieve). (15) It is more porous, with lower specific gravity and higher absorption, than air-cooled nickel slag.

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Non-Destructive Evaluation of Mortar with Ground Granulated …

One of the common by-products that can be used as cement substitution is ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS). GGBFS is a by-product of the smelting process used to convert iron ore to pig iron. ... Zhuge Y. Non-destructive prediction of strength of concrete made by lightweight recycled aggregates and nickel slag. J. Build. Eng. 2021 ...

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The microstructure and composition of granulated …

The base metals (nickel, copper and cobalt) are also recovered as part of the platinum-producing process. Anglo American's Platinum business (hereafter referred to as Platinum) operates three smelters, but converting is ... Granulated slag from the furnaces and the SCF consists predominantly of amorphous silicate glass. Entrained FeNi- -

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The production of geopolymer concrete using GGBFS and nickel slag …

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) and nickel slag are industrial solid wastes with high SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 content and this makes them suitable to be used as materials in geopolymer concrete through the activation of the chemical content by alkaline in the form of a mixture of NaOH and Na 2 SiO 3. This study aimed to determine the ...

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Influence of PT Vale's Granulated Gradation Nickel Slag

In this study, the influence of granulated gradation nickel slag aggregate with aggregate size LS 9.50 mm, LS 5.60 mm, LS 2.36 mm, LS 2.00 mm and the combination of …

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Nickel Slag

Granulated nickel slag is essentially an angular, black, glassy slag "sand" with most particles in the size range of − 2 mm (No. 10 sieve) to + 0.150 mm (No. 100 sieve). It is more porous, with …

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Alkali-silica reaction of high-magnesium nickel slag fine …

This study investigated the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) of air-cooled and water-quenched high-magnesium nickel slag (HMNS) fine aggregates in alkali-activated ground granulated blast-furnace slag (AAS) mortars.

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UG-Mat Nonferrous Slags | Recycled Materials …

Nickel Slag Shape and Texture: Air-cooled nickel slag aggregates are reddish brown to brown-black in color. It can be crushed to angular particles but has a massive, angular, smooth, amorphous texture. Granulated nickel slag is …

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Preparation of cementitious materials for backfilling by using nickel slag

The results indicate that water-granulated secondary nickel slag, stimulated by several stimulators, is consisted of glass phases and crystals that hydrate into ettringite and alluminosilicate gel ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Effect of High-Magnesium Nickel Slag on Hydration …

Hardened cement pastes with nickel slag show less mass loss caused by dehydration of C–S–H, C–A–S–H, and C–A–H gel phases than the control sample without …

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Granulation and Heat Recovery from Metallurgical Slags

In this paper, the slag granulation and heat recovery options are reviewed and given a critical evaluation, aiming to provide a basis for future directions in slag handling. The …

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Overview of

Nickel Byproducts Nickel slag: a byproduct of RKEF process technology, a granulated slag formed by natural cooling or water quenching of a melt formed during the smelting process of nickel metal Tailing slurry: a byproduct of HPAL technology, composed of a low percent of solids and relatively high water content.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Effect of nickel slag as a sand replacement in strength

This research investigates the use of nickel slag as the replacement of sand in concrete. Various concrete samples were produced with the increasing nickel slag content from 0% to 50% every 10%. A water-cement-ratio of 0.35 was chosen in this study. Concrete mixes were assessed for their compressive strength and workability.

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Utilization of nickel slag as raw material in the production of

Nickel slag is a granulated slag formed by natural cooling or water quenching of a melt formed during the smelting process of nickel metal, which contains FeO, SiO 2, Al 2 O 3 …

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(PDF) Nickel recovery from metallurgical slags

In ferronickel (Fe-Ni) production from oxidized nickeliferous ores, mechanical losses of ferronickel in the slag are reduced by magnetic separation. Slag from the electric furnaces (E/Fs)...

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Effect of enhanced pozzolanic activity in nickel slag …

Nickel slag (NS), an industrial solid waste with potential reactivity derived from nickel manufacturing processes, is currently employed as a concrete additive at a low rate. In this work, a modification was conducted by melting-quenching the NS-Al 2 O 3 mixtures, followed by a physicochemical analysis of the resulting granulated samples (GAN ...

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Properties and hydration characteristics of mine cemented …

In order to improve the pozzolanic activity of high-magnesium nickel slag, this study produced a phase separation structure of high-magnesium nickel slag by activation treatment, and studied the ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Influence of PT Vale's Granulated Gradation Nickel Slag

In this study, the influence of granulated gradation nickel slag aggregate with aggregate size LS 9.50 mm, LS 5.60 mm, LS 2.36 mm, LS 2.00 mm and the combination of those fourth aggregate size on compressive strength and microstructure of concrete has reported.

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Preparation of cementitious materials for backfilling by using …

On the purpose of improving the utilization level of mine solid wastes and reducing the cost of backfill mining, this article reports an experimental study on preparing cementitious …

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Preparation of cementitious materials for backfilling by using nickel slag

On the purpose of improving the utilization level of mine solid wastes and reducing the cost of backfill mining, this article reports an experimental study on preparing cementitious materials for...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Enhancement of pozzolanic activity of high-magnesium nickel slag …

High-magnesium nickel slag (HMNS) as a kind of FS has been shown possessing pozzolanic activity due to its high content of SiO 2, ... Yan et al. reported that the addition of CaO in granulated copper slag (GCS) increased the release rates of heat from the early-age hydration of the blended cement pastes and acquired higher compressive strength ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Nickel Slag

Granulated nickel slag is essentially an angular, black, glassy slag "sand" with most particles in the size range of − 2 mm (No. 10 sieve) to + 0.150 mm (No. 100 sieve). It is more porous, with lower specific gravity and higher absorption, than air-cooled nicked slag.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Utilization of nickel slag as raw material in the production of

Nickel slag is a granulated slag formed by natural cooling or water quenching of a melt formed during the smelting process of nickel metal, which contains FeO, SiO 2, Al 2 O 3 and MgO as the main components [1].

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Slag Nikel & Baja Bakal Dikeluarkan dari Kategori B3

Sementara itu, industri nikel menghasilkan 13 juta ton slag per tahun dari produksi 2,4 juta ton per tahun nickel pig iron. ... (IISIA) memproyeksi industri baja dalam negeri memproduksi hingga 940.000 ton ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) segar pada 2019. Adapun, pada 2018 asosiasi mencatat terdapat sekitar 932.000 ton GGBFS yang ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

New Slag for Nickel Matte Smelting Process and …

This article suggests that the slag for nickel smelting is adjusted by increasing the amount of lime, partly instead of quartz, to ... Then, the phase analysis of the water-granulated slag was made. XRD patterns were recorded with an X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku D/max2400, Japan) using Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.5444 A) operating at 42 kV and

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Alkali-silica reaction of high-magnesium nickel slag fine …

This study investigated the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) of air-cooled and water-quenched high-magnesium nickel slag (HMNS) fine aggregates in alkali-activated ground …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

UG-Mat Nonferrous Slags | Recycled Materials Resource Center

Nickel Slag Shape and Texture: Air-cooled nickel slag aggregates are reddish brown to brown-black in color. It can be crushed to angular particles but has a massive, angular, smooth, amorphous texture. Granulated nickel slag is essentially an angular, black, glassy slag "sand."

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Preparation and Hydrated Mechanism of Mine Filling

A copper-nickel slag-based alkali-activated cementing material (CNSCM) for backfilling was prepared using copper-nickel slag as a raw material and sodium silicate (SS) as an activating agent.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Properties and hydration characteristics of mine cemented …

The results indicate that water-granulated secondary nickel slag, stimulated by several stimulators, is consisted of glass phases and crystals that hydrate into ettringite and...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Effect of High-Magnesium Nickel Slag on Hydration …

Hardened cement pastes with nickel slag show less mass loss caused by dehydration of C–S–H, C–A–S–H, and C–A–H gel phases than the control sample without nickel slag. The SEM images reveal that the abundant platelike C–S–H can be observed in the cement paste with 30% nickel slag addition.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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